Promo Shots Promo Shots Candyland – Katy Perry Tribute Promo shots for Candyland – A Katy Perry tribute, January 2012. You can contact Kerri through her website and find her on Facebook Promo Shots Mick Ferry – Comedy Store Manchester Promo Shots Peter Phillipson Promo Shots Phil Buckley Promo Shots David Crawford Promo Shots Phil Ellis Promo Shots Mick Ferry – Street Shot Promo Shots Ste Porter Steve Porter Promo Shots Seymour Mace Fringe 2012, Seymour Mace’s new show is called Squeg! We only shot 4 images in this shoot and this was image number 4. Seymour looked at the [Read More] Promo Shots Nigel Needham Promo Shots Rex Purnell Promo Shots Chris Washington Promo Shots Andy Watson 2016 Promo Shots Seymour Mace – Dave’s One Night Stand Seymour got asked to supply a shot for a TV show at short notice. We shot this is front of someone’s washing outside drying. [Read More] Promo Shots Clayton Jones Promo Shots Will Mars Promo Shots Clayton Jones
Promo Shots Candyland – Katy Perry Tribute Promo shots for Candyland – A Katy Perry tribute, January 2012. You can contact Kerri through her website and find her on Facebook
Promo Shots Seymour Mace Fringe 2012, Seymour Mace’s new show is called Squeg! We only shot 4 images in this shoot and this was image number 4. Seymour looked at the [Read More]
Promo Shots Seymour Mace – Dave’s One Night Stand Seymour got asked to supply a shot for a TV show at short notice. We shot this is front of someone’s washing outside drying. [Read More]