Promo Shots

Candyland – Katy Perry Tribute

Promo shots for Candyland – A Katy Perry tribute, January 2012. You can contact Kerri through her website and find her on Facebook


Poster Design

These are all posters I’ve produced for fringe shows and comedy festivals.


Greg Cook

Originally shot in 2008 these images were done in the studio with Greg. One of these shots did win an award (can’t remember which one). [Read More]


Mick Sergeant

Ex-shipyard worker Mick Sergeant now fearless comedian, playwright, bodybuilder, artist and erotic fiction writer. Shot in 2008 this was the poster image for Mick’s show [Read More]


The Butterfly Effect

 “Can a butterfly flapping it’s wings in the Amazon cause a tornado in Texas?”   First performed at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival in 2006. My [Read More]

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